2020 California Housing Legislation, Part 3: Assembly Housing & Community Development Committee 5/20/2020 public hearing.

Alfred Twu
5 min readMay 7, 2020

With the delayed start to this year’s legislation season, the State Assembly housing committee is going to be hearing fewer bills. 23 are on the schedule for the May 20, 2020 hearing. A few have some new amendments.

Get the PDF at tinyurl.com/may2020hcd

There are additional Senate bills and bills sent to other committees, a list of some can be found at tinyurl.com/2020housingbills

AB1905 Mortgage Tax Deduction (Chiu)

Ends mortgage interest tax break for second homes, reduces tax break for mortgages between $750k & $1 million. Brings in $400 million/year to reduce homelessness.

AB2329 Homelessness Policy (Chiu, Gloria)

Directs existing coordinating council to identify needs and gaps in state policy
and funding to end homelessness. Report to go to Legislature in July 2021.

AB2345 Density Bonus (Gonzalez)

Increases maximum affordable housing density bonus from 35% to 50%.

AB2405 Right to Housing (Burke, Chiu, Gonzalez)

Declares that it is state policy that all children and families have a right to housing. Takes effect in 2026.

AB2406 Rental Registry (Wicks)

Creates a statewide rental registry. Landlords renting 5 or more homes would report data on ownership, length of tenancy, rents,unit size, etc.

AB2580 Hotels to Housing (Eggman)

Makes it easier to convert hotels and motels to housing. At least 20% of the homes would be affordable to low or moderate income families.

AB2586 Safe RV / Car Parking (Berman)

Encourages local governments to establish Safe Parking Programs for people living in cars and RVs by waiving some liability and state laws.

AB2666 Lot Subdivision (Boerner Horvath)

Allows land in multifamily zones to be subdivided for small homes or townhouses of up to 1,200 square feet interior space.

AB2690 Mobile Home Rent Control (Low)

Allows cities and counties to apply Rent Control laws to mobile home parks built on or after 1990. Currently only pre-1990 mobile home parks can be rent controlled.

AB2778 Farmworker Housing (Eduardo Garcia)

Allows larger Polanco communities (nonprofit farmworker housing) in agricultural zones. Current limit is 12 homes or 36 beds, this bill would allow up to 50 homes or 36 beds.

AB2782 Mobile Home Park Closure (Mark Stone)

Requires 60 days notice, govt approval, relocation plan/payments when a mobile home park is closed. Also requires impact mitigation to subdivide a MH park or floating home marina.

AB2852 Public Employee Housing (Mullin)

Allows school districts to build housing on their land and offer it to employees of other districts or government agencies in addition to their own.

AB2895 Rent Cap for Mobile Homes (Quirk-Silva)

Extends the AB1482 Rent Cap to mobile homes. (Maximum annual rent increase of 5% plus inflation, or 10%, whichever is lower).

AB2988 Permanent Supportive Housing (Chu, Chiu)

Allows more Permanent Supportive Housing in places zoned for emergency shelters in unincorporated areas & small cities. Max size of such a PSH project increases from 50 to 120 homes.

AB3040 Duplexes, Triplexes, 4plexes (Chiu)

Encourages cities to rezone single family houses to allow duplexes, triplexes, & fourplexes, by allowing it to count towards meeting part of their Regional Housing Needs Allocation goal.

AB3088 Minor correction to AB1482 (Chiu)

Corrects a cross-referencing error in last year’s AB1482 rent cap and tenant protection bill.

AB3107 Commercial Zones (Bloom)

Legalizes housing in commercial areas. To be eligible, at least 20% of the homes in a project would have to be affordable to lower income households.

AB3155 Streamlining Small Projects (Robert Rivas)

Streamlines approvals for multifamily housing with up to 10 homes, or subdivisions with up to 10 lots.

AB3182 Renting homes in a HOA (Ting)

Homeowner associations would no longer be allowed to ban owners from renting out a house or condo.

AB3269 Reduce homelessness by 90% (Chiu)

Directs state and local government to create plan to reduce homelessness by 90% by 2028.

AB3300 $2 billion for shelters and housing (Santiago, Bloom, Bonta, Gipson, Quirk-Silva, & Wicks)

Allocates $2 billion to reduce homelessness. Money would go to a continuum of care that includes shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing.

AB3308 School Employee Housing (Gabriel)

Allows school districts to use affordable housing tax credit funding to build homes specifically for their own teachers and other employees.

AB3352 Lead Hazard Inspections (Friedman)

Requires cities and counties to inspect housing if residents complain about a lead poisoning hazard.

