Final Update: September 30, 2024. PDF:
Latest Update: September 19, 2024. PDF:
Earlier Version: May 27, 2024. PDF:
Earlier Version: May 5, 2024. PDF:
Earlier Version: April 9, 2024
Emergency Preparedness
AB 2416 (Connolly)
Home insurance discounts for home hardening to reduce wildfire risk, such as replacing flammable shingles with non-combustible materials. Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 51–14, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Failed to get a Senate floor vote
AB 2684 (Bryan)
Requires heat hazards to be considered in general plan updates.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 62–4, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 27–7. At Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2996 (Alvarez)
Allows the FAIR Plan (insurance for high wildfire risk properties that can’t get regular insurance) to issue bonds. This would give FAIR more money to cover losses from a major fire, making it less likely insurance companies leave California.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Failed to get a Senate floor vote
AB 3150 (Quirk-Silva)
Creates process for redesignating an area to a lower fire hazard if work has been done to reduce wildfire risk, also updates defensible space regulations.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 70–1, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 990 (Grayson)
Reduces requirements for on-site stormwater retention for housing. Retention can be difficult on urban sites with limited space for landscaping.
Status as of 5/5: Passed assembly 75–0, in Senate Env Quality
Status as of 5/27: Senate Env Quality
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2592 (Grayson)
Requires water and sewer utilties to plan for and prioritize new housing.
Status as of 5/5: Held in Committee
SB 1210 (Skinner)
Requires utilities to list connection fees online. (Original version before 4/9 amendments would have capped utility connection fees to 1% of a new home’s entire construction cost, allows fees to be paid over 10 years instead of upfront.)
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 33–5, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 60–2. At Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law.
General Plan Housing Elements
AB 2023 (Quirk-Silva)
Makes it harder for city to challenge a decision by the California Dept of Housing and Community Development that they are out of compliance with state housing law.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 56–7, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2361 (Davies)
Allows cities in Orange and San Diego counties that don’t want to upzone to meet state housing goals to pay other cities willing to do extra upzonings.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2580 (Wicks)
Housing Elements have to include analysis of historical preservation policies’ impact on housing development.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 38–2, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2667 (Santiago)
Requires list of potential housing development sites to be published 180 days before a city adopts a Housing Element. This gives more time for the public to review and check the validity of these sites. Also creates a standard for measuring if cities are doing their part to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (end segregation).
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 57–12, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2728 (Gabriel)
YIGBY (Yes in God’s Backyard): Requires Housing Elements to incentivize housing on religious organization land or nonprofit college land.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 69–0, in Senate
Status as of 5/5: Held in Appropriations
SB 968 (Seyarto)
Allows cities/counties that build more housing than the Regional Housing Needs Assessment 8-year planning goal to carry over the surplus to count towards the next 8-year cycle’s requirements.
Status as of 5/5: Voted down in committee
Coastal Housing Production
AB 2560 (Alvarez)
Extends Density Bonus to coastal zone. Amended 4/24 to only apply to multifamily zones that aren’t on farmland, at risk of sea level rise, or near wetlands.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 55–6, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 951 (Wiener)
Limits Coastal Zone appeals in San Francisco. Previously also required that Local Coastal Programs (which regulate coastal development) be updated on the same timeline as Housing Element rezonings.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 37–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 76–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 1077 (Blakespear)
Amended 4/10 to direct Coastal Commission to simplify the process for approving ADUs and JADUs. Originally introduced as ADUs and JADUs in coastal zones would no longer need a coastal permit
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 75–1, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 1092 (Blakespear)
Speeds up the appeals process for coastal development.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 38–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 1234 (Allen)
Allows planning director to make minor changes to a coastal development plan, instead of having to go through public hearings and votes.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 37–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Gut and amended into unrelated legislation
Faster Approvals
AB 1886 (Alvarez)
Allows the Builder’s Remedy to be used sooner when the CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development finds that a city has not upzoned enough to meet their housing goals. BR allows developers to ignore zoning, as long as 20% of the homes are affordable.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 52–3, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 1893 (Wicks)
Modifies the Builders’ Remedy. Maximum density is now limited to 3 times what is otherwise allowed, or 1.5 times the Mullin density, whichever is greater. Mullin density ranges from 10 units/acre in unincorporated rural counties to 30 units/acre in metropolitan counties.
The percentage of low income housing required to use BR is reduced from 20% of the units to 7–13% depending on level of affordability. BR Projects that are 100% moderate income or 10 units or less no longer have to provide low income units. Amended 4/30 to limit 10 unit or less projects to those on 1 acre or less.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 54–1, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2087 (Alanis)
Discloses the identity and financial interests of those filing a CEQA lawsuit against a proposed project.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2117 (Joe Patterson)
Extends expiration date of building permits.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2433 (Quirk-Silva)
Speeds up building department plan review process.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 67–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2649 (Wicks)
Allows state to approve permits for large housing developments.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 3122 (Kalra)
Limits cities from applying new objective design standards adopted after a building has first submitted a development application.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 393 (Glazer)
Amended to be a bill to make it potentially more expensive to file a CEQA lawsuit against affordable housing. Originally introduced to require those filing CEQA lawsuits to disclose anyone that contributes $10,000 or more to the lawsuit. Also bans CEQA action against a project that was already approved under a larger plan.
Status as of 5/5: Asm. Natural Resources and Judiciary committees (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Asm. Natural Resources and Judiciary committees (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 1037 (Wiener)
Financial penalties for cities that violate state housing law. Fines are required to be used to build affordable housing in that city.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 24–9, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 1227 (Wiener)
Downtown San Francisco: CEQA exemption for all projects that meet labor, environmental, and tenant protection standards. Property tax exemption for moderate income housing.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 1259 (Niello)
Discloses those who spend over $10,000 on a CEQA lawsuit, requires cases that affect projects over 25 million to be resolved in a year.
Status as of 5/5: Failed committee vote
Mortgages / Foreclosures
AB 1043 (Essayli)
Adds regulations to protect homeowners from shady foreclosure consultants.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Floor
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly and Senate, but Assembly did not concur Senate amendments
AB 2424 (Schiavo)
More protections against foreclosure, especially if lender wants to sell property for less than 75% of fair market value.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 3100 (Low)
Starting in 2025, requires mortgages with multiple borrowers to allow any borrower to buy the loan of another borrower by assuming the mortgage.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 68–0, in Senate Bus/Finance and Judiciary
Status as of 5/27: Senate Bus/Finance and Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
Restrictions on Corporate Ownership
AB 1333 (Ward)
Bans bundled sales of new houses, duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes to institutional investors.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 48–1, in Senate Judiciary
Status as of 5/27: Senate Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2584 (Lee)
Bans businesses owning over 1,000 houses from buying additional houses.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 48–11, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
SB 1212 (Skinner)
Bans large investors from buying houses or duplexes, unless they are a developer planning on replacing it with new housing. Amended 4/11 to allow sale if house is first listed for 60 days. Also amended to require large investor to first offer house to current tenant for 60 days before selling to anyone else.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
Taxes and Subsidies
AB 1865 (Joe Patterson)
Tax break for people saving up for a down payment.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 1867 (Sanchez)
Tax break for home insurance.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 1868 (Friedman)
Protects low income ownership housing from property tax increases when affordability restrictions expire.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 66–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 38–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 1932 (Ward)
Removes mortgage interest deduction for second homes (Was originally AB2616 Lee, now a Ward bill).
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 1007 (Bradford)
Homeownership assistance for descendants of enslaved African Americans.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 1013 (Bradford)
Property tax relief for homeowners who are descendants of enslaved African Americans.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
Accessory Dwelling Units
AB 2533 (Juan Carrillo)
Makes it easier and cheaper to legalize an unpermitted ADU or Junior ADU built before 1/1/2020.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 38–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2825 (Boerner)
Authorizes cities to inspect ADUs and JADUs to check if they’re being used for the intended purpose (housing).
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 1055 (Min)
Allows cities that have met their RHNA housing production goals to lower height limit for attached ADUs from 25 feet to 16 feet.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 1164 (Newman)
New ADUs are exempt from property tax for 10 years. Amended 4/11 to only cover ADUs built 2025–2030, and for exemption to expire if ADU sold or not used for housing. (Introduced as 15 years, amended to 10 years 5/16)
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Amended, Passed Senate 29–6, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
SB 1211 (Skinner)
More flexibility with adding ADUs to a multifamily property. Existing law allows only 2 detached, rest had to be converted from space in existing building. Also allows parking to be replaced by ADUs without providing new parking. Amended to allow up to 8 detached on existing bldg (not to exceed existing number of regular units), 2 on new bldg.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 29–8, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
Adaptive Reuse
AB 2488 (Ting)
Enhanced infrastructure financing districts for San Francisco downtown office to residential conversion funding.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–1, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2909 (Santiago)
Property tax break (Mills act) for conversion of 30+ year old buildings in commercial zones. Amended 4/18 to require projects set aside at least 3 units as live work lofts
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2910 (Santiago)
Allows prohousing cities to update building code to make it easier to convert buildings to housing. Amended April 18 to apply to cities over 400,000. Later amended to only apply to Los Angeles.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 40–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Vetoed
Cost Reduction
AB 1820 (Schiavo)
Fee Transparency — cities required to provide list of all fees within 20 days of application.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 40–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2430 (Alvarez)
Bans cities from charging a monitoring fee for inclusionary units.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2729 (Joe Patterson)
Delays due date of all school, park, road, etc. fees until the home is complete.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 49–2, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 36–2, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2934 (Ward)
Studies allowing 3–10 unit buildings to be built using the Residential Code, which is lower cost.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 73–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 3177 (Wendy Carrillo)
Reduces traffic mitigation fees for housing built within 1/2 mile of proposed major transit stop.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 57–12, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 30–7, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 937 (Wiener)
Allows permit fees to be paid when building is done, instead of before construction. Previous version also extended how long a building permit was valid for.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 1462 (Glazer)
Allows developers to spend deposits from pre-sale of condos.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 1470 (Glazer)
Improves “right to repair” for condos to reduce risk of construction defect lawsuits.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2243 (Wicks)
AB2011 cleanup bill. Expands to more sites the ability to build housing in commercial zones
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 450 (Atkins)
Cleanup bill to make it easier to use SB9 to build up to 2 duplexes on a lot in a single family zone.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate, in Assembly Inactive (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate, in Assembly Inactive (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 1123 (Caballero)
Allows up to 10 homes to be built on vacant single family zoned lots.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 31–5, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
Parking Reform
AB 2553 (Friedman)
Expands definition of Major Transit Stop from 15-min to 20-min frequency. Requires cities to have lower car trip mitigation fees for housing within 1/2 mile of a major transit stop. Amended 4/15 to remove language adding areas served by on-demand transit at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 73–0, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Local Gov and Housing
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2712 (Friedman) / SB 834 (Portantino)
AB2097 projects exempted from parking requirements would not be eligible for residential parking permits.
Status as of 5/5: AB2712 at Assembly Floor, SB834 in Assembly committee
Status as of 5/27: AB2712 Passed Assembly 57–10, in Senate, SB834 in Assembly committee
Status as of 9/19: AB2712 Passed Senate 27–11 and at Governor’s desk, SB834 held in committee.
Status as of 9/30: AB2712 Signed into law
AB 2898 (Wendy Carrillo)
Allows section 8 vouchers to cover parking, even if building otherwise has unbundled parking.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 74–0, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
Student & School Employee Housing
AB 1818 (Jackson)
Allows Community College and CSU students to live in vehicles on campus, requests UC to allow as well. Amended 4/18 to be pilot program at 10 campuses. Amended 5/16 to also add pilot at 20 CCs
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 63–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 1835 (Muratsuchi)
Clarifications and flexibility for renting of low-income units in school district housing to employees.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2005 (Ward)
Authorizes CSU to build employee housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 61–7, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 31–8, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2076 (McCarty)
Revolving loan funding for student housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2507 (Friedman)
Interest-free loans for students at risk of homelessness.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 69–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2530 (Lee)
Technical assistance for school districts to build employee housing.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2967 (Ting)
Expands eligibility of school district employee housing to people working for a nonprofit providing childcare on district property.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 74–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 36–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 3116 (Garcia)
Student housing density bonus for group housing that contains rooms or beds for low income students. Amended 4/18 to reduce the size of the bonus.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 3210 (Bonta)
Approves by right housing for school employees as long as it meets the local height limit, or 35 feet, whichever is higher.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 312 (Wiener)
Faster approvals for student housing that meets the highest environmental standard (LEED Platinum). Technical fix to approve the project before the final testing needed to get LEED Platinum.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate 34–1, sent to Assembly
Status as of 5/27: Asm. Natural Resources
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
Ballot Measures
ACA 10 (Haney)
Creates a right to housing in state constitution.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Floor
Status as of 9/19: Not placed on ballot
AB 1657 (Wicks)
$10 billion affordable housing bond.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 9/19: Not placed on ballot
Note: The following bills are specialized, but would also be ballot measures:
- Veterans property tax reduction: SCA6 / SB871
- Youth housing and youth center bond: SB1079
None were placed on the ballot.
AB 2904 (Quirk-Silva)
Requires cities to notify property owners when rezoning their land.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 65–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 3012 (Grayson)
Requires cities and counties to have an online development fee estimator tool.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 3086 (Santiago)
Requires local agencies to report number of affordable housing with expiring deed restrictions, as well as rent controlled units removed from market.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 1201 (Durazo)
LLC Transparency — requires disclosure of owners owning 10% or more of an LLC.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 23–10, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 1082 (Kalra)
Bans towing or booting of vehicles due to unpaid parking tickets. Instead, owners with 3+ tickets would be unable to renew registration.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 9/19: Failed to get a vote in Senate
AB 2479 (Haney)
Allows Housing First funds to fund recovery housing, which includes abstaining from substances. Eviction only if tenant disrupts the community, not if tenant only relapses.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2893 (Ward)
Funds Housing First recovery housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 60–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 1011 (Jones)
Bans being homeless within 500 feet of a park, school, or major transit stop, or anywhere in a city that has available shelter space.
Status as of 5/5: Voted down in committee
SB 1361 (Blakespear)
CEQA exemption for contracts to provide homelessness services.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate 36–0, sent to Assembly
Status as of 5/27: Asm. Nat Resources & Housing
Status as of 8/19: Signed into law
SB 1395 (Becker)
Makes it easier to build a low-barrier navigation center.
Status as of 5/5: Senate floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
SB 1438 (Niello)
Amends Housing First programs to allow evictions for drug/alcohol use if children are housed in same location.
Status as of 5/5: Voted down in committee
AB 369 (Zbur)
Expands Independent Living Program eligibility to all foster youth up to age 23. (Currently 21, with some eligible up to 23), in counties that opt in.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2007 (Boerner)
LGBTQ youth age 18-24 transitional housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 2520 (Ramos)
Coordinated process for serving youth, including housing subsidies, interim shelters, support services.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 2674 (Schiavo)
Loan fund for housing for families with foster youth and youth aging out of foster care system.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 2802 (Maienschein)
Allows residents of transitional housing to share a room or unit with a roommate, partner, parent, or child.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 60–7, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Human Svcs & Govt. Org
Status as of 9/14: Signed into law
SB 9 (Cortese)
Raises max age for foster care benefits from 21 to 22. Pilot program in 3 counties.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 333 (Cortese)
Guaranteed income for homeless youth
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Education (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Education (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 456 (Menjivar)
Housing for homeless youth or at risk of homelessness.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 1079 (Menjivar)
$1 billion bond measure for youth centers and housing.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 30–7, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
Tenant Applications / Fair Housing
AB 653 (Reyes)
Amended to collect data and make recommendations on how to help more tenants get housed with housing vouchers. Originally about incentives, security deposit assistance, etc, to encourage landlords to rent to section 8 voucher users.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 31–1, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2230 (Bennett)
Allows antitrust law to be used against anti-competitive housing practices, such as restricting new development, or price fixing of rents.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2493 (Pellerin)
Application fees can only be charged if either the landlord accepts first qualified tenant and refunds subsequent applicants, or refunds all applications not selected. Introduced as Landlords cannot charge tenants additional application fees if tenant applies to another property they own/manage within 30 days, amended to current version 5/16.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 59–8, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 28–8, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2785 (Wilson)
Caps application fees at $50 and refunds fee if tenant not selected. Also requires security deposit interest to be paid out to tenants when they leave.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Did not make it to a floor vote
SB 611 (Menjivar)
Bans several types of landlord junk fees. Original bill required rental ads to show entire monthly cost with all fees, as well as any move-in fees / deposits.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Judiciary (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Judiciary (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law.
Tenant Protections
AB 846 (Bonta)
Limits rent increases in affordable housing funded by the LIHTC program.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 59–6, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Housing and Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 26–10, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 1813 (Quirk-Silva)
Rent subsidies for people age 55+ at risk of homelessness
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2187 (Bryan)
Creates a statewide Office of Tenants’ Rights and Protections.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 2216 (Haney)
Right to have a dog, cat, or other common household pet. Bans pet rent for new leases.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 46–9, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2278 (Wendy Carrillo)
Requires the state to publish the annual AB1482 (Tenant Protection Act of 2019) allowed maximum rent increase.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate Judiciary
Status as of 5/27: Senate Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2304 (Lee)
Cleanup bill to make sure that all prospective tenants do not have to disclose an eviction case if they won the case.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 51–13, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 31–9, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2347 (Kalra)
Gives tenants 10 days (up from 5) to respond to an eviction.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 48–12, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 23–9, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2498 (Zbur)
2-year pilot program for rent subsidies for people at risk of homelessness.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 58–8, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2772 (Quirk-Silva)
Rent subsidies for low income tenants.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2801 (Friedman)
Limits and documentation requirements for landlords that want to deduct money from a security deposit at move out for repair costs.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 54–14, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2835 (Gabriel)
Extends law (2022’s AB 1991) enabling motel/hotel shelter programs. Law would otherwise sunset in 2025.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 73–0, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Judiciary
Status as of 8/27: Signed into law
SB 1465 (Archuleta)
Expanded habitability enforcement and tenant rights in nonresidential buildings used for housing anyway.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 37–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 77–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
Reduces Tenant Protections
AB 2059 (Flora)
Landlords only liable for habitability problems if informed by tenant and repairs not started within 30 days.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
Mobile Homes
AB 2247 (Wallis)
Extends a mobilehome maintenance inspection program from 2025 to 2030 sunset.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2291 (Addis)
More oversight of nonprofits providing legal services to mobile home owners. Amended 4/25 to remove the language that would have reduced $10 annual fee that funds a dispute resolution fund.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2373 (Rendon)
Bans evictions if a mobilehome park owner’s permit to operate is suspended or expires.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 40–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2387 (Pellerin)
Allows mobile home parks to expand by up to 10% without additional fees.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 69–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 39-0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2399 (Rendon)
Adds info to rental agreements on where to seek help in the event of complaints.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Assembly 57–4, sent to Senate
Status as of 5/27: Senate Judiciary
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 30–9, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2539 (Connolly)
Tenant Opportunity to Purchase — residents get right of first refusal when owner wants to sell a mobilehome park, and 6 months to negotiate a deal. Amended to 120 days on 4/24.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 2778 (Muratsuchi)
Cap on mobile home rent increases: 3% + inflation or 5%, whichever is less.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
AB 2997 (Joe Patterson)
CEQA exemption for new mobile home subdivisions up to 10 acres / 100 homes.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 620 (McGuire)
Makes it easier to open a Low Impact Camping Area for up to 9 RVs or shelters
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Did not get floor vote
SB 1052 (Seyarto)
More oversight of nonprofits providing legal services to mobile home owners, also eliminates a $10 annual fee that funds a dispute resolution fund (Similar to AB 2291)
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 1108 (Ochoa Bogh)
Extends time for fixing non-safety code violations from 60 to 90 days.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 37–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 76–0, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Vetoed
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing — Faster Approvals
AB 3068 (Haney)
By-right approval of commercial to affordable housing conversion.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 58–5, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 27–11, at Governor’s desk.
Status as of 9/30: Vetoed
Affordable Housing — Funding
AB 515 (Ward)
Allow prepayment of loans for housing under the Multifamily Housing Program.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 578 (Berman)
Limits loan payment costs for permanent supportive housing in the No Place Like Home program.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 930 (Friedman)
Allows cities, counties, special districts, and transit agencies to form RISE districts (Reinvestment in Infrastructure for a Sustainable and Equitable California) that use tax revenue from that area to fund housing and infrastructure.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Local Govt (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Local Govt (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 1053 (Gabriel)
Expands state loan program to cover construction loans, in addition to regular loans.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2638 (Ward)
Changes to loan programs — more flexibility, while also prohibiting changes to loans that cause rent increases.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 70–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2665 (Lee)
Mixed Income Housing Revolving Loan Program.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
AB 3160 (Gabriel)
Extends a $500M per year funding for Low Income Housing Tax Credits.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 65–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 33–5, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Vetoed
SB 440 (Skinner)
Allows local governments to join together and create regional housing finance agencies.
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 53–15, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 1032 (Padilla)
Forgives state loans if the loans are a barrier to keeping rents affordable.
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
SB 1140 (Caballero)
Makes it easier to form an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District. EIFDs can spend on more things
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 64–5, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 1512 (Senate Housing Committee)
Amended to be make minor edits to definition of rural area for funding purposes. Previous version removed the adjustment for family size in setting the rent in housing authority units. Would lower rents for 3+ person households, increase for 1 person households, minimal effect on 2-person households.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 72–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
Affordable Housing — Property Taxes
AB 430 (Bennett)
Expands tax exemptions for community land trusts.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Senate Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2353 (Ward)
Improves access to property tax exemption, waives interest and penalties once owner has applied for exemption.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 40–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2897 (Connolly)
Expands tax exemptions to subsidiaries of a community land trusts.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Senate 40–0, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
SB 588 (Allen)
Expands property tax exemption for large affordable housing, eliminates the $20,000,000 assessed value cap.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Rev&Tax (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Rev. & Tax (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
Affordable Housing — Preservation
AB 1789 (Quirk-Silva)
Prioritizes funding for rehabiliation and extending affordability of housing at least 15 years old.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 73–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2926 (Kalra)
Requirements for owner of affordable housing where restrictions are about to expire and for which an offer to buy has been made by someone wanting to extend affordability. Owner has to either sell to them, or hold the property but extend affordability themselves.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 71–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law.
SB 225 (Caballero)
Community Anti-Displacement and Protections Fund for preserving affordability in buildings where it is about to expire.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Appropriations (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Did not get a floor vote
Affordable Housing — Tenant Applications
AB 2396 (Reyes)
Creates centralized portals to find and apply for affordable housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 1500 (Durazo)
Makes it easier for tenants to qualify for Extremely Low Income housing (30% of area median income). Applicants can self certify, homeless applicants automatically qualify. Amended to be specific to LA.
Status as of 5/5: Senate Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 31–8, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 68–1, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
Senior Housing
SB 37 (Caballero)
Creates Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities Stability Fund to provide housing subsidies to low income tenants.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate 36–0, in Assembly
Status as of 5/27: In Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Passed Assembly 74–1, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Vetoed
AB 1993 (Kalra)
Expands definition of a residential (non-insitutional) care facility for the elderly from 6 residents to 8 residents. (Introduced as 10, amended 5/16)
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 64–2, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Held in Appropriations
AB 2694 (Ward)
Allows residential care facilities for elderly to use Density Bonus/
Status as of 5/5: Assembly floor
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 64–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law.
Social Housing
AB 2881 (Lee)
Creates the California Housing Authority, a state agency for creating social housing, as well as a Social Housing Revolving Loan Fund.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Held in Approps
SB 584 (Limon)
15% tax onshort term rentals (Airbnb) to fund low and moderate income housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Housing and Rev&Tax (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Housing and Rev&Tax (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
SCA 6 / SB 871 (Archuleta)
Expands size of property tax exemption for veterans.
Status as of 5/5: Passed Senate, in Assembly (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Asm. Rev & Tax
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
AB 2240 (Arambula)
Allows farmworkers and families to live year round in a farm labor center, instead of being limited to 275 days a year.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 59–6, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Passed Sebate 31–8, at Governor’s desk
Status as of 9/30: Signed into law
AB 2746 (Villapudua)
Expands max size of employee housing from 36 beds / 12 units, to 50 beds or units. Amended 4/11 to be a bill to streamline farmworker housing approvals.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 547 (Blakespear)
Authorizes one of the district agricultural associations to lease land to City of Del Mar for affordable housing.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Agriculture and Housing (2 year bill)
Status as of 5/27: Assembly Agriculture and Housing (2 year bill)
Status as of 9/19: Held in committee
Tribal Housing
AB 1878 (Garcia)
More flexibility for Tribes using state housing funding.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Assembly 72–0, in Senate
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law
AB 2314 (Lee)
Enables Tribes to build denser than local zoning on infill sites.
Status as of 5/5: Held in committee
SB 1187 (McGuire)
New program to fund tribal housing and help tribes get additional funding.
Status as of 5/5: Assembly Appropriations
Status as of 5/27: Passed Senate 37–0, in Assembly
Status as of 9/19: Signed into law